AGM 2022
Please join us in person on June 13-14th, 2022 for CIU's Annual General Meeting held at the Delta Downtown Toronto.
Connect with your industry peers, congratulate our new FALUs, engage with CIU Sponsors and join in the fun and learning over 2 days of elevating events!
Registration is now open to both CIU and non-CIU members.
Please visit the 2022 CIU AGM event page for more info/agenda and fees.
For group registration/payment, please email
Delta Hotels Toronto special group rate: $289 CAD per night
You will find the information for your online reservation here: Group rate for 2022 CIU AGM
Last Day to Book at Group rates: Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 (increased price thereafter).
Comfort, health, and safety of attendees are a top priority for the CIU. Each attendee must attest that they have received (or will receive) FULLY COVID-19 vaccinated prior to the event. Additional precautionary measures — such as mask-wearing are recommended.
Looking up to seeing you all there!
If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask.
Shawn James
CIU Chair 2021-2022