Membership FAQ
1. How do I know what my Membership Status is?
Attained their FALU (Fellow of the Academy of Life Underwriting) and had a minimum of 5 years of Life and Health Underwriting experience
OR Is designated an Honorary Member.
Anyone who is a CIU member but does not qualify as a full member under one of the two criteria for full membership.
Anyone who held the position of Chairperson/President of the CIU, or its predecessor organization, the CHOLUA. Such Honorary Members who are retired (no longer active) will be exempt from paying dues. A list of Honorary Members will be maintained in the CIU Membership Directory.
2. How much does it cost?
Currently, membership fees are $130 per annum/per member. Membership is based on the calendar year.
3. How does an individual become part of the CIU Executive?
The Executive Committee is made up of nominated individuals from within the CIU organization. Different positions are available based on your interest.
Treasurer. This is 3-year commitment with the 3rd year training the Assistant Treasurer to take the role as Treasurer.
Secretary: This is a 2-year commitment and keeps the CIU committee on track.
Conference Director: This is a 2-year commitment working with venues/hotels to make sure all the conference details for the AGM are handled.
Chair: This is a 3-year commitment as the incumbent goes through the CIU executive as Vice-Chair, Chair, and then Past Chair.
Technical Director: This is a 3-year position that is responsible for the website, membership, and AV for the various educational events sponsored by the CIU.
Assistant/Program Director: This position manages the program committee and is key to the success of the CIU education seminars offered throughout the year.
Executive Members: Provides an opportunity to help those in title roles and to shadow for a potential future position. See the Executive Position descriptions in the By-Laws
4. My company will not pay for my membership. Can I do so personally?
Yes, you may pay for your membership personally.
5. What happens to my membership if I leave the company which paid for my membership fees?
Regardless of who pays, the membership belongs to the individual member. The sponsoring company cannot transfer membership to another employee.