Article A - Annual General Meeting Guide
Article B - Dues and Registration Fees
Article C - Officer Responsibilities and Terms of Office
Article A - Annual General Meeting Guide
At the Annual General Meeting of the Association the following meeting guide shall be observed unless the Executive Council votes otherwise at the regularly scheduled Executive Council meeting last preceding the CIU meeting:
Chair's opening remarks
Greetings from other organizations
Presentation of FALU and any other award created at the discretion of the CIU Executive Council
Exhibitions, presentations, panels or other discussions as determined by the Executive Council under the direction of the Vice-Chair
A business session of the Institute shall be held at any meeting of the CIU according to a schedule adopted by the Executive Council. At this business session the following meeting guide shall be observed:
Summary of the business transacted by the Executive Council since the last meeting
Presentation of the financial report
Committee reports, including an update on CIU membership (if applicable)
Presentation of newly elected Executive Council members
Voting by the CIU on matters presented with sufficient notice
Article B - Dues and Registration Fees
The Executive Council shall determine the dues payable by the named membership categories noted in the constitution and Annual General Meeting registration fees as well as fees for any other education sessions held throughout the year.
Dues are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Annual General Meeting registration fees, as well as other education sessions held throughout the year, are non-refundable unless the attendee requests a refund 15 days prior to the meeting or is unable to attend the meeting due to documented illness.
Article C - Officer Responsibilities and Terms of Office*
*NOTE: Positions such as Secretary, Conference Director, Technical Director, and/or Treasurer can be extended for an additional year if turnover is high in a particular year without having the incumbent take on an additional term of office.
This is the second year of a three year commitment.
Term of office as Chair is one year and shall be nominated as Past Chair in the following term of office. The Chair presides over the AGM and the Executive Council Meetings and shall call and preside over at least one meeting of the membership on an annual basis and Executive Council meetings throughout the year. The Chair shall also be responsible for the establishment of special committees as recommended by the Executive Council and may delegate the Continuing Education Credits audit to an executive member.
The Chair will act as the principal liaison with the CLHIA and other major underwriting Associations such as the AHOU. The Chair is the primary spokesperson and as such is responsible for responding to member's inquiries and those from within and outside the industry taking into consideration any conflict of interest which will then be passed to the Vice-Chair.
This is the first year of a three year commitment.
The term of office as Vice-Chair is one year. In accepting this position, the candidate acknowledges that he/she shall be nominated as Chair in the following term of office and Past Chair in year three. To be eligible to serve in this position, it is strongly recommended that the candidate has served on the Executive Council or have similar industry experience. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for the AGM program including the meeting format, topics, speakers and the coordination of all activities. This individual will also be the main contact for the Program Director in coordinating the various education sessions throughout the year.
Past Chair:
This is the third and final year of a three-year commitment. Term of office as Past Chair is one year.
The immediate Past Chair shall chair the Executive Council Nominating Committee consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Past Chair. The Past Chair shall also collect nominations for one member to serve as a CIU representative on the ALU board. Once nominees are determined the Executive Council will vote on a representative. Throughout the year, the Past Chair will act as a resource to other Executive Council members regarding historical and traditional issues as relating to the functioning of the CIU and support the Chair. Past Chair is responsible for reviewing and presenting to the Executive Council any necessary changes to the By-Laws and Constitution.
This is a two-year commitment. The term of office as Secretary is two years.
The incumbent shall be responsible for keeping and distributing full and accurate minutes of the Executive Council Meetings and ensure action items are addressed or carried over to the following meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending out the notice of the Executive Council Meetings.
Other duties include manning and coordinating full coverage of the registration desk at the annual general meeting, maintaining CIU records, ordering gifts/plaques for departing Executive Council members and engraving the gavel to be presented to the Past Chair. The Secretary will also assist in proofreading correspondence as requested by other council members and any necessary help for the Program Director for other education sessions throughout the year.
For the AGM, the Secretary will assist the Conference Director with duties as required including but not limited to preparing and distributing annual program booklets, speaker gifts, annual meeting signage, and the gavel.
Conference Director:
This is a two-year commitment. The term of office as Conference Director is two years.
The incumbent shall have duties pertaining to all conference arrangements at the site of the Annual General Meeting. The above responsibilities must be closely coordinated with the Chair, Vice-Chair and the CIU's professional administrator. The Conference Director is the primary liaison with the convention hotel with primary responsibilities for establishing the room layouts, catering, meals and reservations (including the Monday evening dinner/reception and entertainment). he Conference Director is also responsible for the registration material including nametags, ordering ribbons for the Executive Council members, and attendee lists.
The Conference Director may be asked to assist the Program Director in other education sessions throughout the year. An Executive Council member may assist with this position and become a preferred candidate for Conference Director in the future.
This is the second and third year of a three-year commitment. The term of office as Treasurer is two years.
The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the content of the CIU Financial Management Policy. The incumbent shall audit or supervise the audit of all financial activities as they apply to the CIU. The Treasurer shall receive, disburse and account for all the funds of the CIU and shall open and maintain an account in the name of the CIU in such chartered bank or trust company as the Executive Council may approve. Treasurer shall annually present a report of the CIU's financial activities to the Executive Council and the Membership. In addition, the Treasurer is responsible for developing an annual budget for the CIU operations and the annual meeting and assist the Program Director for education seminars throughout the year.
Assistant Treasurer:
This is the first year of a three year commitment. The term of office as Assistant Treasurer is one year. In accepting this position, the candidate acknowledges that he/she shall be nominated as Treasurer following this term of office.
The incumbent will apprentice the current Treasurer's job so as to fill it in years two and three. In addition, he/she will assist other officers as required.
Technical Director:
This is a three-year commitment. The term of office as Technical Director is three years.
The incumbent is responsible to keep membership database up-to-date and the web site current with all published information. Duties include technical support for the AGM, assisting with main stage slides for the executive council and speakers, contact for venue AV prior to the AGM and onsite during the meeting to ensure the correct equipment is ordered as requested by the speakers. Technical assistance may also be requested by the Program Director for the additional education sessions offered throughout the year.
Assistant Program Director:
This is the first year of a two year commitment. The term of office as Assistant Program Director is one year. In accepting this position, the candidate acknowledges that he/she shall be nominated as Program Director in the following term of office. The incumbent will apprentice the current Program Director so as to fill it in year two and assist the Program Director as required in developing the education sessions throughout their term. The Assistant Program Director will also assist with the AGM planning as required.
Program Director:
This is the second year of a two year commitment. The term of office as Program Director is one year.
The incumbent will be responsible for organizing and planning the education sessions throughout the year while working closely with the Vice-Chair, Assistant Program Director and Program Committee while utilizing the Technical Director and Conference Director as needed. Responsibilities include booking venues, setting up webinars, arranging speakers, setting up planning meetings and assigning tasks to the Assistant Program Director and Program Committee. He/she will also assist with the Annual General Meeting planning as required. Regular updates will be provided to the Executive council throughout the year.
Executive Council Members:
One to four other incumbents will be named as Executive Council Members. The term of office is one to two years.
The incumbents will be available to accept assignments from other Executive Council members who have specific duties. They will also provide input on matters of CIU policy and future direction. At least one Executive Committee Member will serve as a liaison to the Technical Director and will assist in preparing the presentation material for the AGM. One may also be called on to assist the Conference Director.
Article D - Committees
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee shall be chaired by the Past Chair and will be made up of the Past Chair, Chair and Vice-Chair. Candidates for Executive Council positions shall be solicited from the membership and the final slate of candidates shall be identified no later than 60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The slate of new Executive Council members shall be presented for an electronic vote no later than 60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
The newly elected Executive Council will be introduced at the AGM.
If necessary, the Nomination Committee may accept to advance an Executive Council Member to a different position prior to the time commitment noted above, in order to fill a vacant position on the Executive Council.
Program Committee
The committee's primary purpose is to make recommendations to the Executive Council concerning education seminars, AGMs and related activities. The Program Committee shall organize at least one educational seminar per year. The committee shall be made up of no less than 4 CIU members. The Executive Council can choose newly appointed members by majority vote. The term of office on the Program Committee is 2 years but can be extended.
Adhoc or additional Committees
The Chair, subject to the Executive Council approval, shall appoint other committees as necessary.
Article E - Amendments
These by-laws may be amended at any Executive Council meeting by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the entire Executive Council provided that any proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member of the Council in advance of the meeting.